Success Squad™ BINGO

Terms & Conditions




Bingo Card_Terms_Conditions


“BINGO” is achieved when all squares in one HORIZONTAL ROW are completed (includes FREE spaces). 

There are up to 5 opportunities max to win a USD $200 VISA gift card for each completed horizontal row. Each Embed customer is eligible to claim a maximum value of USD $1,000 in VISA gift cards when all squares in all rows are completed

Conditions & Definitions of Completion


A “BINGO” is contingent upon conditions for validation, which are outlined in full below:  




B1. FREE – This space is one of 5 complimentary BINGO squares, automatically validated. 
I1. Sign up for FREE TRIAL (Mobile Wallet)

Proof of completion: Signed up (at least one location/site) for a Mobile Wallet 12-month FREE trial. Both the order form and Apple Terms & Conditions form should be signed. Go to I1 for the links.   

N1. Talk to Payment Gateway Guru 

Proof of completion: Completed a free, no-obligation meeting with Embed’s in-house Payment Gateway Guru to identify any possible savings in processing fees/rates that the FEC might be missing. Go to N1 for the links. 

G1. Sign up for FREE TRIAL (STATS) 

Proof of completion: Signed up for a STATS 3-month FREE trial. This square is also considered completed retroactively with a previous trial (and at least three logins). Go to G1 for the links. 

O1. FREE – This space is one of 5 complimentary BINGO squares, automatically validated.


B2. Set Up Payments Account 

Proof of completion: Requested for the approval or has an approved payments account for Mobile Wallet and/or integrated payments (eCom and retail), with credentials received and installed on the Embed system & Mobile Portal. Go to B2 for the links. 


I2. Customise Your Portal 

Proof of completion: Customised the Mobile Portal for at least one branding group to include FEC’s company branding (colors, game card image, etc.). Game Card product designs can be found here.  


N2. Claim FREE Creative Kit 

Proof of completion: Reviewed and/or downloaded FREE Creative Kit available on the Embed Help Centre. Validation requires sharing one takeaway the FEC has from the resource.  Go to N2 for the links.


G2. Claim FREE Social Media Kit 

Proof of completion: Downloaded FREE Social Media Kit from the Embed Help Centre. Validation requires sharing one social media marketing post made from the kit across all the FEC’s social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, etc.). Go to G2 for the links. 


O2. Create New Promotion  

Proof of completion: Reviewed and/or downloaded FREE Best Practices for Promotions resource guide available on the Embed Help Centre. Validation requires sharing proof of a promotion geared at driving registration and/or usage of the Mobile Wallet. Go to O2 for the links.


B3. Start FREE Training (Mobile Wallet)

Proof of completion: Scheduled and attended the remote Mobile Wallet/Mobile Portal onboarding training/consultation with Embed’s Training Titan to manage and navigate an FEC’s Mobile Wallet settings, the screen the customer sees when registering a game card to the Mobile Wallet), etc. Go to B3 for the links. 

I3. Start FREE Training (STATS) 

Proof of completion: Scheduled and attended the remote STATS onboarding training/consultation with Embed’s Training Titan to learn about navigating the FEC’s dedicated data dashboards. Go to I3 for the links. 

N3. FREE –  This space is one of 5 complimentary BINGO squares, automatically validated.  

G3. Join Best Practice Training

Proof of completion: Scheduled and attended the complimentary Best Practice Training with Embed’s SaaS Success Whisperer to receive guidance on how to get to the next level of success. Go to G3 for the links.  

O3. Get Access & Sign Up (eSHOP)

Proof of completion: Signed up at least one TOOLKIT user and received access to the eSHOP for convenient procurement of parts, replacements, cards, or marketing items.  Go to O3 for the links. 


B4. Schedule Staff Training

Proof of completion: Scheduled and attended a GoTrain™ LIVE or GoTrain™ Express session with Embed’s GoTrain Engineer to upskill FEC staff on how to assist guests to access, register, and reload their game card on their Mobile Wallet. Go to B4 for the links.   

I4. View Staff Leaderboard

Proof of completion: Confirm FEC staff on the Staff Leaderboard. After attending either an onsite or virtual GoTrain™ session, FEC staff are issued RSP Codes to track the number of customers assisted in registering on the Mobile Wallet. These results are visible for at least one of the FEC’s team members (proving the codes are in use) on the Staff Leaderboard. The top performers receive monthly and quarterly rewards for signing up/registering customers on the Mobile Wallet. Go to I4 for the links.  

N4. Join Community Session

Proof of completion: At least one staff member joined at least one of the semi-weekly virtual GoTrain™ Community Sessions led by Embed’s GoTrain Engineer - where staff share best practices for getting customers to sign up/register on the Mobile Wallet. Go to N4 for the links.   

G4. Order FREE Assets

Proof of completion: Ordered pre-printed Mobile Wallet marketing materials at no cost for at least one location and/or leveraged digital templates to promote customer adoption of the Mobile Wallet. Go to G4 for the links.   

O4. View Content (Help Centre)

Proof of completion: At least one FEC staff has recently viewed an article, video, or guide on Embed’s Help Centre within the last three months (90 days). Go to O4 for the links. 


B5. FREE –  This space is one of 5 complimentary BINGO squares, automatically validated.  

I5. Check-In (Success Squad)

Proof of completion: FEC staff scheduled and attended a check-in with Embed’s SaaS Success Whisperer to gain valuable insights, consultation, and recommendations to transform the business, such as walking through Mobile Wallet performance and interpreting STATS data insights. Go to I5 for the links. 

N5. Increase Reload Value

Proof of completion: The FEC has experienced a visible increase in reload value at one or more location(s) through Mobile Wallet transactions with guests spending more (versus offline game card transactions) on average per reload. Go to N5 for the links. 

G5. Share Success Story! 

Proof of completion: Shared success story from using Embed’s Mobile Wallet, STATS, or payment savings in the form of a written quote or a short testimonial video to inspire other members of the Embed family to start transforming their bottom line.  Go to G5 for the links. 

O5. FREE –  This space is one of 5 complimentary BINGO squares, automatically validated. 


Please reach out to for the validation of every BINGO row completion.